Centre Island Home , Estate of the Day
Centre Island Home , Estate of the Day

... received a hot tip that this castle-like waterfront home in Centre Island, New York which was recently put on the market just might be the home of Billy Joel. ...
Centre Island Home , Estate of the Day
We received a hot tip that this castle-like waterfront home in Centre Island, New York which was recently put on the market is the home of Billy Joel.

502 Centre Island.. taxes last year being $184,513.11
"I guess it would be large enough for a weekend house, but I just can't see it working out as a primary residence" .....Yours truly, Jerry Seinfeld
so any guesses where he may be moving? don't know of any grander estate on the north shore thats on the water. my guess is someplace a little more east.
Well, a while back there was a $60 million Lloyd Neck estate w/ 2 helipads featured on this site. Taxes $194,985. It's completely absurd and listed on danielgale.com if you want to take a peep. Maybe he'll move there!

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It's for sale now ;-)
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